
S17 Teja Stemcut

S17 Teja Stemcut

Product Details
Product Name: S17 Teja Stemcut
Moisture Less than 10%
Length 6-9 cm (without stem)
Pungency 85000 SHU - 100000 SHU
Color Value 60 ASTA - 80 ASTA
Capsaicin content 0.589%

The S17 Teja chilli is the most spiciest variety available in India. The red factor and the compelling taste in our food is enhanced by Teja S17. The major world cuisines like Chinese, American, Thai, Italian, Japanese and Indian use this quality to enrich the taste, colour and smell of the food. It is also used in the making of chilli powder and is rich in various vitamins and minerals.

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